Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Football and Basketball

Twice in one month! Oh my, somehow I don't think we're that exciting! I just got over bronchitis, Max has a nasty cough and Kurt is home sick with something that apparently puts him unbearably close to death (based solely on his behavior). I baked banana bread and baked apples today. I love fall!

Max started basketball. We're going in to week 2 and he still loves it. Here are a few shots of his first practice. There will be more in the future. Games start in 2 weeks I believe

I think he looks like a natural!

Look at him go! All that practice in the driveway, the holes in the grill of my van and jogs down the street after loose balls paid off! We'll see what happens come game day.

We did have the 2nd annual Michigan vs. Michigan State/Chili Cook-Off. I have lots of pictures of the fun, and none of the chili. Food was on and I was eating, not taking pictures!

The cutest BFF's in the whole wide world showing their U of M pride!

The rivalry was, as always, intense. But the fun of rubbing it in more than makes up for hurt feelings! And having the many chili's to sample from and decide which one is the best is not a bad way to spend a fall afternoon.

Sore winners....aka State fans, went so far as to parade over to the neighbors and rub in their once in a lifetime win of U of M. Sad, sad people they are.

Next up....Halloween.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the political commercial by Batman and Princess....I think they have a future in advertising! Little cuties!