Max is enjoying swimming, yesterday he jumped off the diving board into the "big pool" during class! He was a little scared at first, but rallied and came through. He started soccer last week and is very much looking forward to going again on Monday. He is in a clinic/league so the first 3 weeks he is learning how to play and the last 3 weeks they will have games. He is the tallest kid there, but he's used to that!
Max had a visit with the doctor this past week and he is 4'8". He has grown over 2 inches since his annual checkup in the early fall and gained 5 pounds. So, at this rate, he will likely be 5' tall entering 1st grade and 6' tall before middle school. Freak.
Avery continues to talk incessantly, except on the phone to Honey. She has mastered the "withering stare" and rolling her eyes. She is days away from the "tuh huh" sigh with a foot stomp.
Avery is also freakishly tall. She thinks she is far older than she is. She's loud, stubborn, independent and apparently a princess. Talk about an amazon princess! She has nearly as many bruises up and down her legs as Max, which shows how much she loves playing! She's very angry that Max is taking swimming lessons and playing soccer and she's not. But the slide at the soccer field seems to pacify her anger.
The potty training process is nearly complete. Though Avery has totally learned to manipulate me into a potty "try" just because she wants an M&M, but the end is in sight!
Jen's daycare is starting strong. My licensing paperwork went through and I go for orientation on May 1st (any babysitters available that day) That is the final step in full licensing and I'll be able to advertise in the paper and through 4c's.
I am currently babysitting 2 kids and it's great! I enjoy it greatly and am looking to a fun summer with tons of laughter and fun! I really feel like I am using my education, professional and personal experience and knowledge every day.
Kurt is getting familiar and comfortable with his new job. He is doing really well and moving up quickly. There are many more opportunities at Vos for him than he had before, and it was long past time for him to move on and it appears to be well worth it.
We went to the annual Vos Dinner at Fredrick Meijer Garden's last week and aside from having a good time, great food and meeting some really fun people, I was extremely impressed by the general attitude of the company!
That's all we've got for now! Until next time.....(which I promise won't be so long in coming for the 3 of you who actually read this thing :~)
pictures, must have pictures. Oh my little freakishly large grandchildren, oh how I love them!
I tend to enjoy witty commentary regarding mundane happenings...wait I have my own place for that. I'll settle for a weighty tome regarding your stance on intellegent design.
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