Friday, November 16, 2007

Halloween Spooktacular!

The frog princess is amazed by the awesome presence of supermax! Halloween was WET...perfect frog weather! And while we were caught in a a brief monsoon, a good time was had by all! Avery lasted for most of the trip around the neighborhood, but it's a good thing we brought the stroller! Supermax was disappointed that he didn't get to eat candy all night long and is none to happy with the rations he gets. But all in all, it was sucessful and fun and one of those great childhood memories that will be kept for years to come. Now, we're on to Thanksgiving in Columbus with Honey and Grandpa Kelly next week and look forward to spending some there with Joe and Emilie and Noah and Levi and Honey and Grandpa of course. Here's to a 6 hour drive with the kids (thank goodness for technology...between the DVD player for the kids and the laptop for Kurt, I gets 6 hours straight of NPR!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job!!! Now we're all on line - what a beautiful technicolor world!!!! Love that frog with her superman!